Wireless condition monitoring – business idea

Here’s a business idea,
UK company Senceive Ltd specialises in wireless infrastructure asset condition monitoring, and says it has thousands of units deployed, particularly in rail (including tunnels, track bed, earthworks, bridges and structures), and construction projects.

The sensors have 15 years of battery life and can report at 15 minute intervals, and it is possible to connect cameras to them.

They are also continuously innovating, and in addition to the new platform which boasts an unprecedented 15 years of battery life powering a high precision sensor and reporting at 15 minute intervals, have recently launched and deployed cameras integrated alongside wireless sensors.

The company can ensure real time, stable and accurate data.

How could you make a ‘Software for Domain Experts’ project around that?

Start by thinking about which domain experts could use condition monitoring. So that’s everyone who needs to monitor the condition of assets which might vibrate or rotate. Anyone whose job involves monitoring any transport infrastructure (vehicles, ships, road, rail) or any other machinery – or anyone who has to monitor building condition which could be detected by sensors (I’m not sure what that is – internal temperature, vibration of tall buildings)?

These domain experts must be willing to pay a fee to have the data delivered to them by web browser in the condition which is most useful to them (eg alerts for something suddenly changing).

Perhaps a city police department or fire department would like an alert about any building or bridge in their region showing an uncomfortable degree of vibration?

Then you can build a tool to do this, using ‘low code’ systems?