What is Low Code software used for?

Forrester has an interesting report on Low Code software (available for free download on the Scribe Software website)

The general thrust of it is that low code is usually used by large corporations developing online tools for interacting with customers (online forms, including complex application forms such as for credit card applications) or interacting internally (a form of business process management).

Some of the most complex applications where Low Code is used, according to the report, are ‘case management’ applications, with the example given of a US Federal Agency making a low code tool for tracking appeal cases, with functionality to load documents, send notifications to various parties.

Low Code tools are used for making interactive web pages or entire websites (often based on opensource content management software Drupal).


Many low code platforms have tools for managing ‘workflow’, but they don’t have the ‘deep process design, execution and management features typical of Business Process Management products”, Forrester says.

An (unnamed) systems manager from a UK building society is quoted as saying they first worked with a fully automated Business Process Management system and found it took a lot of time and IT work, and then tried a low code platform after that.

Forrester doesn’t say directly, but it sounds like it is saying that Business Process Management products are usually more sophisticated and complex than ‘low code’ and also take more skills – but you might find ‘low code’ adequate if you need business process management.