Month: July 2016

  • Eric Evans – software should solve a specific problem

    The hour long video of Eric Evans’ talk at his Jan 2016 Domain Driven Design conference in Brussels is well worth watching. Online here. One interesting point he makes is that software should be able to do some specific thing. That task is probably important and complex, otherwise you probably wouldn’t want software to do…

  • Why Software for Domain Experts is like music

    In the world of domain expert software, there is a lot of talk about models. Its a confusing idea. What exactly is a model in software? It may be a diagram on a white board. But beyond that, even people who think about it all the time struggle to express what it really is. It…

  • My phone company shows the perils of automation

    If you think most work can be automated, perhaps it might help to think about the last experience you had with your phone company, I am guessing that your phone line (like mine) loses either internet or phone capability every couple of years and you have an excrutiating experience with your phone company’s automated system…

  • Are narcissists and experts diametrically opposite?

    Expert = someone who likes to develop understanding about how something works, the cause and effect, how to reach a goal Narcissist = someone who is obsessed about controlling a situation, who cares how other people think about him (or her), does not have any intrinsic ‘self’, so can only validate based on how other…

  • Theresa May seems like an expert

    Theresa May, who is at the time of writing about to be appointed Prime Minister of the UK, does seem like an expert, someone who thinks deeply and tries to understand how something works. We don’t know her that well. But it was impressive that although it was clear yesterday that she would be prime…

  • Stakeholders and Brexit

    One of our theories is that the people who develop expertise fastest in a certain situation are the people  with a “stake” in it. As an extreme example – if you are in a physical fight with someone, you can potentially be in a lot of pain, so you learn very fast. As a more…