Month: July 2015

  • Domain expert software and public administration

    Here’s an idea. Could better software make large parts of the world much nicer to live in – and can it be built with ‘low code’ tools? The world has a big and growing problem with some parts of the world being much more attractive to live in than others – and too many people…

  • Wireless condition monitoring – business idea

    Here’s a business idea, UK company Senceive Ltd specialises in wireless infrastructure asset condition monitoring, and says it has thousands of units deployed, particularly in rail (including tunnels, track bed, earthworks, bridges and structures), and construction projects. The sensors have 15 years of battery life and can report at 15 minute intervals, and it is…

  • Software for government professionals

    Government professionals have to work with enormous amounts of data and have complex workflows. Is there anything low code tools can do to help them? In the UK there have been well publicised IT disaster stories – particularly with the National Health Service – attempts to build monstrosity IT systems which turned out to be…

  • Software “which works the way you do”

    A common frustration among domain experts in many fields is that their software is rubbish. Or more to the point, it doesn’t do what they want. Anyone who can offer them software ‘which works the way you do’ should have an advantage. The mass market software, such as Microsoft Office, has had a lot of…

  • What do you need to set up a Software for Domain Experts company?

    .. and how can we make this easier? Probably the first step is to identify a business opportunity – and to do this you’ll probably need to either already be a domain expert in a certain field (for example, someone who knows the shipping industry very well), or work together with one. The needs for…

  • Law and Software for Domain Experts

    How could lawyers use a ‘Software for Domain Experts’ type service? Lawyers have to search through large amounts of information to find something useful (such as how the last case like theirs went). They need to make difficult decisions. They need to publish and disseminate reports. For structured legal processes (like conveyancing) they might have…

  • Review of some “low code” tools

    AgilePoint – based on Microsoft technology – based in Mountain View, California, with some international offices. offers App Builder tool. Describes itself as “Responsive Application Development software”. Outsystems – headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with international offices – makes app builder tools which are used in Banking, insurance, retail, pharma, healthcare, financial services, energy, telecoms, transport / logistics, public sector,…

  • Software for Domain Experts in the deep sea shipping industry

    Here are some “Software for Domain Experts” in the deep sea shipping industry Ship operations Ulysses Systems – knowledge management related to operations Marine Software – maintenance and stores management SpecTec – all aspects of vessel operations Star Information Solutions – ship operations and safety Danaos – maintenance, purchasing management Maroz Maritime Software – quality management,…

  • Spotting a market sector

    The jobs of experts around the world are getting more complicated all  the time – with more data to work through, more complex demands, faster decision making required. As a nice illustration, consider the list of tasks which India Prime Minister Modi has set himself, shown midway through this Economist article.  Open 75m bank accounts,…

  • Software for Domain Experts in the oil and gas industry

    Your editor is also editor of a magazine about digital technology in the upstream oil and gas industry, and so has specialist knowledge of this sector, and the  domain expert software companies in it. Here are some of the companies active in this sector. Exploration / subsurface Ikon Science – managing rock physics data Lynx Information…