Author: karljeffery
Published new short book “How to Love Non-Exotic Technology”
We have published a new short book “How to Love Non Exotic Technology”, written by Karl jeffery and Dimitris Lyras, available for free download , on Amazon UK here and on Amazon US here. The book addresses what I think is a common complaint among people I meet in oil and gas / shipping industries –…
Structured mapmaking, agile and COVID-19
Looking at the approach by health authorities to COVID-19, we see a mix of structured mapmaking and, experimentation. Most things in the real world work like this. In the digital technology world, Agile has emerged as the dominant development method. That’s like trying to fix COVID-19 just with experiments and no maps. Agile’s birth can…
AI “doesn’t work” – here’s what does
People who believe that artificial intelligence is possible, but have an open mind, might be interested in watching this 6 minute video of AI expert Roger Schank interviewed on CNN. Roger says that if you define artificial intelligence as a model of human intelligence by a machine, then it doesn’t exist, not now and not…
What future working software must look like
Let’s think about what software might look like in the future, if it is designed for the purpose of helping someone do their job better. So it is a tool, just like a carpenter or plumber has a box of tools, an oil and gas production engineer, or building facilites manager, has a box of…
Industry 5.0 – using software to help with business transformation
I forget what Industry 1, 2, and 3 are, but there’s a lot of talk these days about Industry 4.0 being about sensors and the internet of things. I think industry 5.0 could be about software which helps our managers achieve business transformation. I know it sounds dull but bear with me. At some point,…
How to buy a train ticket from Gatwick Airport central to London
There are three trains – the ‘Gatwick Express’ (about £20, 30mins to Victoria), ‘Southern’ (about £12, about 35 minutes, to Victoria), and ‘Thameslink’ (about £10, 40 / 50 mins, to Blackfriars, Farringdon and St Pancras). All trains go about every 15 minutes but bigger gaps late at night or early morning when you are most…
What is technology capable of doing today?
Technology today is: – Capable of helping people have useful and rewarding work even within a big corporation. – Capable of letting children play online completely safely. – Capable of supporting employment for millions of people – and helping them provide value. – Helping us achieve high levels of safety in our working environment –…
A decentralised software for managing our health services
Here’s how decentralised software might work for managing health: First there needs to be an agreed data model. This is probably the hardest part of it. Although there are plenty of examples in industry of people agreeing on a data model. The data model needs to include all of the data which people might want…
Could non centrally managed software be the business advance of the next decade?
Business software is traditionally and currently nearly always done like this. Big company buys software from big software company which promises to solve their problems. Small companies have less budget to buy it, and small software companies can’t make such large and complex products, but it is still roughly the same thing. What if the…
What is people centric software engineering
People centric software engineering means building software which is designed to help people. If the people has a specific objective to reach and the software is designed to help them reach it (so we are not talking about for example computer games), what might this mean? Presenting people with information they need to make…